by Veterinary Center of Parker, Inc. | May 26, 2020 | Blog
Dental and oral health is very important in keeping your pet healthy. Did you know that your pet’s dental health can harm other organs in the body such as the heart and kidneys? Good dental hygiene is just as important for pets as it is for us. Look For These Common...
by Veterinary Center of Parker, Inc. | May 26, 2020 | Blog
January is here and for most of us that means a brand New Year filled with goals and promises we have made ourselves. Promises to eat better, exercise more, maybe to quit smoking or reconnect with old friends. In this time of change, we challenge you to include some...
by Veterinary Center of Parker, Inc. | May 26, 2020 | Blog
Baking around the holiday’s mean pumpkin pies, cookies, candies and more! These treats are delicious for us but what about our furry friends? Here are some delicious and easy treats you can whip up to include your dog or cat in the holiday fun. Peanut Butter...
by Veterinary Center of Parker, Inc. | May 26, 2020 | Blog
With the holiday season approaching there are some potential new hazards introduced into your home that pose a serious threat to your pets if ingested. Being aware of these top four dangers could save you a trip to the veterinary emergency room. Top 4 Holiday Toxins...
by Veterinary Center of Parker, Inc. | May 26, 2020 | Blog
At some point, your pet may become infected with intestinal parasites. Most intestinal parasites can be prevented with the use of monthly broad-spectrum heartworm medication. This is why VCPI follows the CAPC’s (Companion Animal Parasite Council) recommendation for...
by Veterinary Center of Parker, Inc. | May 26, 2020 | Blog
Having a basic first aid kit for your pet is essential. You never know when you may be faced with a situation that requires fast, corrective action. You can buy a pre-made kit or you can easily assemble one yourself by gathering some or all of the items on the list...