Summer in Colorado can bring high temperatures that can be uncomfortable and even dangerous to pets. Follow these tips to keep your pet cool and safe in the summer heat.

Never Leave Your Pets In The Car
On a warm day the temperatures inside your car can get to an unsafe level extremely fast. For example, on a 72 °F day, the temperatures inside your car can heat to a scorching 116° within an hour! Even if you are just running to the store real quick or going to the gas station, leave your furry family at home.

Paws to consider: Studies have shown that rolling down the windows has little effect on the temperature inside of your car.

Leave Pets Inside During The Day
During the warmest times of the day keep your pets inside where they can find a cool place to lay such as the cool tile or hardwood floors. It is best to enjoy outside time with your pets earlier in the morning and later in the evening once the sun has begun to set. This will also ensure the ground is cooler for your pets pads.

Keep Your Pets Hydrated
In the heat your pets can not only overheat, they can get dehydrated quickly. Make sure your pets have ample supply of water at all times. You can add ice cubes to their water bowl to keep the water nice and cool and last longer, they can even double as a fun treat to play with.

Paws to consider: Dogs do not have sweat glands. They eliminate heat by panting as it evaporates fluids from the respiratory tract. Make sure your pet stays hydrated to help replace these fluids.

Get A Kiddie Pool
Kiddie pools are a cheap and effective way to keep your pets cool as well as provide some playtime. Just make sure to keep the pool in shade so the water does not become hot and your pet can use it as a shady retreat during the day.

There are several fun things you can give your pets as treats to help keep them cool:

  • Ice cubes- keep them cool and entertained
  • Pet friendly ice cream treats that you can find in the frozen section of most grocers
  • PawBenders! These are a fun and dog friendly treat you can get at Goodtimes that are made of custard, peanut butter and three dog treats.
  • Frozen peas and green beans
  • Make your own pet popsicles out of chicken stock, or freeze some peanut butter inside a toy. The possibilities are endless!

We at VCPI want you and your pets to enjoy a fun and safe summer! Stop by to pick up an auto thermometer that alerts you when the inside of your car is reaching unsafe temperatures. Give us a call at 720-851-0820 today to get more information.